
Showing posts from July, 2017

Processor features

                                                                 Processor features 1.       SMM (System Management Mode) SMM is a power management circuitry. This circuitry enables processors to conserve energy use and lengthen battery life. This was introduced initially in the Intel 486SL processor. SMM circuitry is integrated into the physical chip but operates independently to control the processor’s power use based on its activity level. It enables the user to specify time intervals after after which the CPU will be partially or fully powered down. It also supports the suspend/resume feature that allows for instant power on and power off, used mostly with laptop PCs. These settings are typically controlled via system BIOS settings. While initially used mainly for power management, SMM was designed to be used by any low-level system functions that need to function independent of the OS and other software on the system. In modern system, this includes the following: §